Tesla Truck
Ok...when I first seen this truck posted on the internet my reaction was "WTF is that" direct quote. Then I looked again without comments and by the time I looked at it for the 6th time "he's on to something here."
Elon Musk is a bit of an eccentric because he is ahead of the curve in technology willing to break the molds and smash them to pieces. Who is Elon you ask? Well he runs Tesla and Space X and other companies. He get's financing for any idea he has. I could use some financing contacts for some of my idea's that would help evolve technology and humanity. I just don't have the connections. And connections is what it is all about no matter what your idea is on any subject. Thats one of the many reason's never to burn your bridges, connections. You don't own a crystal ball. I follow Elon mostly because I enjoy technology. He's continually bad mouth by people mainly because he is not part of the norm. People in general don't like change especially the older they get.

Cybertruck is absolutely tuff, hard edged, stealth and will become the definition to future truck building. Wide body, 6 seater, means the truck is not cramped like all gas saving trucks on the market today. Not only do have major room but it is electric vehicle. The aerodynamics has been around for some time now but Tesla is the first company to break out and build one. I believe the idea on truck building with such shapes started in the late 90's and strictly for aerodynamics but was focused on commercial trucking. Every mile per gallon counts on commercial trucks they pull off 1 million miles and an extra 2 miles per gallon translates to thousands of added profits. No one had the
testicular fortitude to put it into production but Tesla has.

The mold will be broken with this truck and other manufactures will follow the leader in the industry, TESLA. Not only breaks the mold but smashes it to pieces. This will bring interesting design changes to the entire automotive industry, big changes. Remember Elon when your the best at what you do people and businesses will come after you. In droves.
Stay tuned to the next generation of truck building with Tesla setting the standards, the rest of the automotive will follow the leader....
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