Monday, December 28, 2020

Panhead Transmission Identification

 Had some trouble trying to id a transmission case for a Harley Davidson Panhead and wanted tp share this incase any one else has trouble to Id case. This pretty much is it. It is for Knucklehead transmissions also. Types of transmissions for Panhead and Knucklehead. Vent hole location for Panhead and Knucklehead transmissions is the key

Type 1: 1936 - identified by only having the 4 mounting studs holding the transmission to the frame. The 5th mounting hole located under the kick starter does not exist on these transmissions. Additionally, there is no boss for this 5th mounting point cast into the transmission case. I believe a bracket was used between the kicker cover studs and the frame in 1936. Additionally, this case has no vent boss cast into it. The vent boss is normally located on top of the case just forward of center on the kicker side. During these years the transmission vent was located on the kicker cover.

Type 2: 1937-1939 - identified by having no vent boss cast into the transmission case. The vent boss is normally located on top of the case just forward of center on the kicker side. During these years the transmission vent was located on the kicker cover. Five mount points on all cases 1937 and later.

Type 3: 1940-1955 - The transmission vent has now been relocated from the kicker cover to the transmission case. There is a vent boss cast into the top of the case just forward of center on the kicker side. It is drilled and tapped for a vent screw (not one of the screws that holds the transmission top in place).

Type 4: 1956-1964 - The transmission vent boss is still cast into the case (top of case, forward of center on the kicker side) but it is no longer drilled and tapped for a vent screw. The venting is not achieved using one of the screws that secure the transmission top.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Product Reviews

 I have been having trouble finding a product review site that is legitimate for the past year without having to signing up or be bombarded with ads. Many are fake sites set up companies to get you to buy their product. I came across this site that is completely legit. Check it out if your looking for reviews on everything you can think of and then some. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Finishing up on a research paper I noticed I have accumulated a mess- Professional Communications class (Elon Musk compesation)

 I went through an excessive amount of ink on my printer in this semester. I feel so guilty of how many trees I went through on this class. The ink is over $75 dollars to date. I 'am going green soon!! You can read 25% faster on paper is that justification? IDK stay tuned

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Saturday, December 5, 2020

Black and Blue my love

 The old man told me blue was black. Alice taught me black is blue. Now I sit and wonder whats ok. Is black my love or is blue my love. Today I sit in black tomorrow I look for blue. We'll see old man who is blue and who is black. Today you turn against me tomorrow you will be with me... where is my love

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Life work balance

 OK...let me address an issue with company reviews that I have been seeing for some time now. Life work balance does not exist. If you're interested in working for corporate America, you need to marry them. Corporate America wants you to marry them. They don't care about your family life. If you would like to make good money and have good health insurance, you need to marry corporate America. They do not care about your family life...understand this. They want you to marry them. Now that that is said and understood it is up to you to balance your career and family life. That means staying up for 20-hour days if needed. Work ten to twelve then go home and be the family person you want to be. Have an understanding spouse is beneficial. This spouse needs to understand that you have a demanding career that demands attention. This demanding career pays dividends. In paycheck and benefits. If you don't like it, then leave it, but you won't make the same money or have the same benefits...OK? Your best option is to marry corporate America...I have

Let me ask you this: Are you able to wake up at 5am and start work then? Will allow you to leave at 5pm? Most likely, with the work at home trend. I do it with school homework. I find less distraction at 2:30 am than at 5 pm. So I wake up at 2am shower and review and complete homework then. With online courses, as many of you know, you receive a mountain of homework! 

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Monday, October 26, 2020

Young and Beautiful

Remember....when your young and beautiful everybody wants you. Its when you get older, nobody wants you around. Be careful of jobs like bartending or being a waitress. It can back fire. Education is your answer to success. Listen to what I tell you, I'm on your side!!!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Delivery Driver

even tho the idea/work has been around a long time I believe that a new trade has formed that is Delivery Driver. There are skills needed that some folks have and some don't. Let me state a simple yet hard to achieve skill, a smile. yes smile. Knowing locations in case an app sends you the long way you know before do to experience that yes it's the right direction but the long way. The more you pick up in a shift the more you make. With Amazon Flex now in full swing you have a new trade that has developed out of need....welcome to the 21st Century

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Friday, January 31, 2020

Cornwell Tool Box Drawer Slides

OK, there's a problem with Cornwell tool boxes. The company does not support older boxes. I'm not bad mouthing them but they do not provide new slides for the drawers of their older tool boxes. The original manufacture states that Cornwell bought all the left over slides and no longer carrier replacements. This means your older box because obsolete with limited resale power if your looking to upgrade your tool box. Me, Im frugal and plan to hold on to my box for many years to come. I've owned it for a while now and they flat out cost a lot of money to replace. Any mechanic out here knows what I mean. Yes Snap-on supports older boxes by providing replacement parts for the boxes if needed. They are double the price of Cornwell. Ya Snap-on is the best but can you afford the best. Like I always say "what you can afford and what you want are sometimes two different worlds." It's a problem for tool box drawers that has been holding a couple of hundred pounds of tools for the past 29 years that the drawer slides break. You can not order a replacement slide for the drawer. They were special made for Cornwell boxes. The measurements do not match any other commonly supplied slides, they make them for other companies as well but Cornwell are one of a kind. Waterloo and Accuride are two manufactures of older slides for drawers on Cornwell boxes. So I made my own fix that I hope helps others who have had the same problem with their slides that break. See pics below!!

Piece of square tubing cut with hack saw

With clamp holding piece in place. Notice the lip to right of clamp this helped with maintaining a gap. Not much maybe 1/8".
Pix with shim stock underneath to maintain gap
slide installed in box. I had to file some of the tab to get it to fit right. It took about 5 minutes!