OK, there's a problem with Cornwell tool boxes. The company does not support older boxes. I'm not bad mouthing them but they do not provide new slides for the drawers of their older tool boxes. The original manufacture states that Cornwell bought all the left over slides and no longer carrier replacements. This means your older box because obsolete with limited resale power if your looking to upgrade your tool box. Me, Im frugal and plan to hold on to my box for many years to come. I've owned it for a while now and they flat out cost a lot of money to replace. Any mechanic out here knows what I mean. Yes Snap-on supports older boxes by providing replacement parts for the boxes if needed. They are double the price of Cornwell. Ya Snap-on is the best but can you afford the best. Like I always say "what you can afford and what you want are sometimes two different worlds." It's a problem for tool box drawers that has been holding a couple of hundred pounds of tools for the past 29 years that the drawer slides break. You can not order a replacement slide for the drawer. They were special made for Cornwell boxes. The measurements do not match any other commonly supplied slides, they make them for other companies as well but Cornwell are one of a kind. Waterloo and Accuride are two manufactures of older slides for drawers on Cornwell boxes. So I made my own fix that I hope helps others who have had the same problem with their slides that break. See pics below!!
Piece of square tubing cut with hack saw
With clamp holding piece in place. Notice the lip to right of clamp this helped with maintaining a gap. Not much maybe 1/8".
Pix with shim stock underneath to maintain gap
slide installed in box. I had to file some of the tab to get it to fit right. It took about 5 minutes!