I want to inform ladies what we guys eat as far as food for dinner. I noticed recently that women don't know this secret that's guys have with regard to cooking dinner. We, as guys, are capable of eating the same thing every night for months. We don't care to change it up unless we are being noticed of our cooking habits as far as eating the same thing every night. Luckily, we have food stores or normally called supermarkets, here in the states, that recognized this and have added precooked meals to us single guys. We love it. I went up a second night to pick up another turkey dinner complete with mash potatoes, but they sold out. Man was I pissed, upset and my night was ruined. I had my heart set on another turkey dinner. And at $6 usd you can't beat it. Thats what we do. If we cook at home, we generally cook the same thing night after night. It's easy, we know what we need so there just isn't a lot of preparation or thought put into it. I know one guy who is big on Sheppard pie, why? Well, he eats it for lunch and dinner every day all week. He'll take a break on weekends and eat out.
There was a gossip columnist who was tracking a actor and given him a hard time for buying a precook chicken every night. They didn't understand that that's what guy do. Well... the big guy secrete is out finally.
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