Saturday, February 22, 2025

Song writing credit

There are many people who don’t understand how song writing credit is given. The person who comes up with the melody and the person who writes the lyrics. That’s the song writers. The drummer, bass and lead guitarist are not given credit. If you improve the song with your guitaring ability that does not give you credit. Coming up with the bass line to a song does not give you credit. Playing drums on a recording does not give you credit for writing the song. I’m amazed by the amount of people and professional musicians who don’t understand this. Drummers who get upset because they are not given credit for writing the song. Other members of a band who leave because they were not given credit. They do not understand who gets credit. A melody is just how the song sounds. As it progresses in time. You do not contribute to the melody because you played it better than the person who came up with the melody. Some bands give everyone in the band song writing credit because they choose to do so.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Once before

I use to love every one once before. I LOVE know one anymore. The blue bus... is calling out.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Austria ...welcome

I would like to welcome my friends in Austria to my blog. Welcome to my word