Saturday, March 8, 2025

Problems to have

I good problem to have is fiquare out what toy to buy next. If you these problems your doing well and remeber there are many people not doing so well. It can help you appreciate what you have, more. But you earned it so enjoy it.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Song writing credit

There are many people who don’t understand how song writing credit is given. The person who comes up with the melody and the person who writes the lyrics. That’s the song writers. The drummer, bass and lead guitarist are not given credit. If you improve the song with your guitaring ability that does not give you credit. Coming up with the bass line to a song does not give you credit. Playing drums on a recording does not give you credit for writing the song. I’m amazed by the amount of people and professional musicians who don’t understand this. Drummers who get upset because they are not given credit for writing the song. Other members of a band who leave because they were not given credit. They do not understand who gets credit. A melody is just how the song sounds. As it progresses in time. You do not contribute to the melody because you played it better than the person who came up with the melody. Some bands give everyone in the band song writing credit because they choose to do so.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Once before

I use to love every one once before. I LOVE know one anymore. The blue bus... is calling out.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Austria ...welcome

I would like to welcome my friends in Austria to my blog. Welcome to my word

Friday, January 31, 2025

Hay wait I'm trying to write a song

Well, we just started to record an EP. The good news to me is that the audio engineer was hearing different words that what was being sung. That’s my ultimate approval. When you hear your own words that don't exist. A song writers’ perspective is that a song needs to appeal to many people. The lyrics can sound like a different song to them. Then that’s awesome. Because the song means something to them. It has the lyrics that they want to hear. They hear a diferent meaning to the song which is awesome It might not be the lyrics that’s on the song, but the song has taken a different meaning for them. That is the goal of a song writer. Or my goal. Peace love life

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Spider One listen up bro

Spider One listen bro... that was me at the Middle East saying F Bowie. Thanks for writing a song about it!! Please sing some of your early releases just a couple. Why don't you do any of them off your first album?!!! Why? Bad blood with the record company? Dude it is awesome music. I went to Kenmore Square that day you played to see The Fighting Cocks. Basic rock and roll band and good at that. When you hit the stage, I almost fell over. I was a young man looking for new music and you delivered. I was floored by your music. Please play one or two off your first album Please. Orginizized and Strike The Match would satisfy my soul. Pease bro Love you come home

Saturday, January 18, 2025

I would like to contribute to the big book

My goal is to contribute to the large book. This is a book of continuing writing that people contribute to. I'm not sure I can finish this book. I'm not sure that I can explain my self through songs on what I'M TRYING TO SAY. But that is the goal of my song writing. I'm not even sure. I was told to contribute. The large book is a compilation of many artist contributions. It is a bit of a complicated subject that I don't even fully understand. Other than it has come to me in the form of dreams. Stay tuned!!

How about fiction

I find fiction to be an absolute waste of time. I mean why bother

Saturday, January 11, 2025

What world am I in?

I gutta get out of this world man...I just dutta get out of this world. I just want to hang out with Jesus

Friday, January 10, 2025

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

How to wander

Everything is a sin father, I'm just asking you for permission to wander

Friday, December 13, 2024

Haunted House

I would rather live in a house that had a connection to the other side than one that didn't. Peolple I know or people I don't know. I would rather be with people I know, OK!!Just hang with the people bro they are or could be your friends. They are what you make them to be. Your friends or your worst enimies, which would you like? I know these people they are good folk! Love my life

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

OK the SEx Pistals

ok They were living where we all wanted to be. On the outskirts of society, they were, and we weren’t. We would travel to Cambridge Massachusetts to hang out with the society that we wanted to live. The outskirts to our society in Boston was Cambridge Massachusetts. We would go down there and hang out. Watch older kids in what they did. Just watch them. What they did and how they acted. That was Harvard Square to me. I loved going there as a young man. Going downtown to Harvard Square was big news. It was a bus ride across town to a MBTA station and then to our homeland. Harvard Square. And all the students who lived there. Well, we would hang out in the square watching the whole society unfold in front of my eyes at 15. Love Life… I don't know how to eat, breath or nothing right now

Saturday, November 30, 2024

recording starts

Tomorrow we start recording. At the Record Company in Dorchester Massachusetts.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Who's paying the rent

I wont pay the rent for most girls but I'LL pay the rent for that you always Dess

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Juliet Cuming

Juliet Cuming where are you. You directed the beast video of the 90's and your nowhere to be found. Where are you

Friday, October 25, 2024

Welcome Brazil

I would like to welcome my friends from Brazil. Thanks for coming onboard. Welcome to my world, your my friend!!!

Being in a commune, WOW check it out

So, I have been asked about being part of a commune. I love the ideals of a commune where people live together and make life happen. The fact is people suck, and it will never happen. To me, living together and being part of a group of people who believe in just living life without stress is awesome. But it will not be apart of reality. I hate to say it but communes don’t work and never will. So lay it to rest. The commune society that you wish for will never happen. You now but today with the heroin society and living in the woods while doing heroin is possible. A heroin commune is possible and happening today. Everybody sits around and shoots heroin, wow isn’t that awesome. The commune I was interested in is where people live together and help each other out. Plant food, talk together, live together and enjoy life to it’s fullest. ITS NOT POSSIBLE TODAY WITH THE HERION influence. Ok, the drug of your generation has taken over. Life as a norm will never happen with heroin as the sole source of interpretation of life. Are you listening!!! The people of Afghanistan and other countries who promote heroin use are trying to kill you. Welcome to my world, love you always your brother DESSS

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Overtime pay

It seems to me that many writers are suggesting that overtime pay is part of a base pay. When reporting pay, they are using overtime as persons yearly pay. It should not be reported as such. Many workers in the northeast work overtime to make ends meet. My feeling is that it should be for more than making ends meet. To buy things maybe you would not normally buy. Take vacation to an island for relaxation. The recent surge in pay across the USA is reaction to the high cost of living. People at a white-collar job are showing jealousy towards trade workers. By attacking the pay rate. Attaching overtime to the article to suggest it is their base rate. I have noticed this reading articles. They also start adding benefits to the article. To bring the base rate up. This is not normal conversation when talking about hourly rate. Normally when talking about an hourly rate we simply use what the rate is and not calculate benefits. This shows jealousy towards the workers. Many in white-collar work need pay increases also. You’re making enough if you’re in the northeast at $80,000 per year (this does not include benefits). You will have a hard time surviving without overtime because of the cost of living in these areas. Boston, New York, New Jersey and others. When writing an article about a worker asking for an hourly rate increase let’s keep it to what they make per hour. Then we know you are reporting and not bashing the workers who are simply asking for a rase to sustain a living. Maybe you should ask for a raise also. $60 per hour in the northeast is not out of hand for a career employment. A job that requires knowledge and training. It not huge amount it is what’s required to live in these areas of the country

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Only 9

If all the girls there were 9 together.


didnt i tell you to stop. What did I tell you. Well, where have you been you know I love you so why did you go. Come home please. Listen to me

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Let me try to explain

Let me try to explain. I enter the passage through images that enter my thoughts. The images are completely different than the subject I talk about. But they add up to the truth or outcome. It is not always recognizable when occurring. It can be months later that I realize what the images were telling me. They are always images in my mind. They do add up. Does that help you understand?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Where do we line. Why don't we meet anymore

Some people have written me and asked why I open up my blog. Well, because it is digital. The digital world is where we are headed. People’s views, thoughts, opinions will be available online. You won’t have to ask or talk to a person to find answers you just look them up. We are becoming distant meaning there will be no reason to meet people. I can follow you online and understand your thoughts online. Today we understand people by meeting them and talking to them in the future this will not be needed…this I know This I have seen…stay tuned for more vision

Well MOM i'm Here

Well, I was thinking when I meet your mom. It was October of 1993. She was gorgeous to me. Late 80's style hair. She hung out at a place called the Reef. It was a local joint that was around the corner from me. Walking distance which is what I liked. I was either there or at the PRESS BOX in Waltham Massachusetts. When I found your mother, I never went any where but to her place. She would see me come in the door and her boyfriend would exit out the back door. She was so pretty to me nothing was going to stop me. Ya it was 1993 in October I remember. If you don’t believe me, ask your aunts, they will tell you that it is the truth. I remember 1993 because grunge music was still evolving. Pearl Jam was on TV and Edy Vedder was complaining about making money. He would rather be poor well that’s what he was saying at the time. Me and your mom were hanging out in Newton Massachusetts, but I don’t remember the place. It was a place she wanted to go to. Nobody bother us there that I remember. We were young and sometimes people would want to bother me because I was with a beautiful woman…your mom. They would leave after I talked to them and explained that she was mine!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Lets get the itch

WOW maybe he's going to get the itch..."I'm going to die" Itch..bro get the itch. Lets get the itch

Sunday, September 29, 2024


I was listening to Kevin O’Leary about stop spending money eating out. So., I picked up the ingredients to take over my craving for Cava. Basically, a salad with chicken and rice that you put what ever ingredients you want in it. I was going to beat the system and save money, eat health and win win win. Boy was I wrong. It was not the same as Cava. I’m going to investigate why it wasn’t as good. In the meantime, tell Kevin O’Leary that eating out, the food somehow tastes better not sure why? Stay tuned…

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Lets do it...Rock and Roll mark

Just lost a guitarist after several months of rehearsing. We were at a point of playing out. WTF...I have to start over. Need a guitarist who can polish some original music and looking to leave a mark on rock anmd roll. Respond in confidence to Dess Dermondy. Why is this process so complicated why

With this Generation

As each decade passes another decade drops out of reconition.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Amazon Fresh

Looks like Amazon will be taking over the super market industry. Maybe I will short sale others. This is not investment advise. Just an opinion that Amazon will be changing the industry. They seem to be good at it...agree?

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Pastor and guns

I just read of a Pastor who has guns. Why would a Pastor own guns? ...Why???... why would you have guns sir why!!!!??? Whats this world up to??? Why would guns interest a Pastor...Why You know I love you Jesus, you know that. I'm just asking a legitimate question

Monday, September 2, 2024


I would like to welcome my friends from India to my blog. Thanks for stopping in!!

Waiting For You©

she's got platinum hair that cross eyed stare oh, those hazel jewels those big red lips there so delish let me dine on you we are waiting for you oh yes, we’re waiting for you waiting for you to die die die die I adore your stance you're such a tramp oh, I'm crazy for you washing close in the pool you're the queen of x she’s got no regrets we were waiting for you oh yes, we are waiting for you waiting for you to die die die die you play with time drawing butterfly’s made from satan’s drool giving puppet smiles while holding the proof of everlasting love we were waiting for you oh yes, we’re waiting for you waiting for you to die die die die happy birthday mom oh, come home my dear we got surprises for you tattoo daisies galore they thought I was a bore oh, go effing you we were waiting for you oh yes, we’re waiting for you waiting for you to die die die die WAITING FOR YOU

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Music can be cathartic experience to many, but not all. What is it to you?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Broken Butterfly

Wake up!!! What do I see...I broken butterfly lies with me


The Goth girls...they play jacks. What do you see? Tell me what you see, it's important to know

Friday, August 16, 2024

Corey Feldman tour 2024

Ok so there has been some controversy with Cory Feldman. The first one was whether he was serious about playing music or was his tour a joke. It’s no joke. Cory is dead serious about having a band. There was a bunch of Instagram posts stating he was not serious. He is. Then after everyone realized that he is serious it turned into a solo that he was doing on a guitar. Many “critics” stated that it was not him on guitar playing the solo. It is him. Fed Durst sat in on Cories show to confirm that it is him on guitar playing the solo. So, we have gone from, Cory is not serious to yes, he is serious but it’s not him on guitar to yes, it is him on guitar. Cory is dead serious about having a band and being on tour. For all you bedroom guitarist out there who are on Instagram criticizing him take a look at your situation. You’re in the bedroom and will never be on tour. Cory is on tour and has a band that he put together and rehearsed enough to go on tour with a major band called Limp Bizkit who has several number one hits over the years. So, for all you jackasses out here who think Cory is not for real…he is!! He’s got a band, and he is performing most nights, and you are not. You’re the joke dude, not Cory. I stand tall next to him because he is doing what I dream of doing.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

I don't know why

You know sometimes I don't know why I love such simple things

Number One Song

My number one song growing up was Jumpin Jack Flash By the Rolling Stones...stay tuned... Well I love you momma

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Federal Reserve...well done!!!

As boring as this topic is I would like to show support for the Federal Reserve for bring inflation down to 2%. It’s a thankless job with many critics. This is an extremely important number to reach in the number one economy of the world and they did it. Yes, I did not believe in their direction and leadership on many occasions, and they proved me wrong. Well done!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rory Gallager

Hay Rory look it bro your time is coming do. For years it was a mystery on who auditioned for the Rolling Stones back in 1975. I have been researching the Rolling Stones for many years, well sense I was a youth. It was never mentioned who auditioned for the Stones when Brian Johns was kicked out and died. You never heard who the guitarist was who tried out for the Stones. A number one band for that generation and beyond. The Stones are still relevant today as I write this. One guitarist was interviewed by the members of the Rolling Stones. His name was and still is Rory Gallager. He auditioned for the Stones. Rory weas simply too good of a guitarist to join the Stones. I mean who wants a dynamite guitarist running around stealing the show. No body and including Keef. Check him out… because of social media his name and legacy is coming around and for good reason. Rory was and still is a phenomenal guitarist. Check him out on social media. He is alive and well. Rory Gallager a candidate for the Rolling Stones back in 1969 kick ass bro!! I wish I was a candidate for the Stones..

Retail shop owners...heads up!!

I would like to talk to convenance store owners for a moment. There is a group of stores in the Boston area that I need to talk to. I can’t mention their name but most people from Boston know who I’m talking to. They allow drug addicts to hang in front of their store and panhandle for cash. You have my sympathy but there is help available so seek it out. But what I want to talk about is the number of fingerprints on the glass door to your store. Will you please clean the glass 4 times a month. I will not enter your stores because of the fingerprints on the glass. It is disgusting and potentially disease-ridden fingerprints. Please pay your employees to clean the glass to your store daily. Thanks!! Every store in Boston has drug addicts in front of panhandling for money. I find it harassing and do not enter or go near you convenance store. OK!!! Clean the …love you

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Hit the reset button, bro

You know what!!Every time it just piles up and I need to hit the reset button, bro. You know...tones, music, war, woman, life, walking, the whole effing thing just piles up...someone hit the reset button!!!

Friday, July 5, 2024

Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

I have been wanting to buy this book for some time now. I'm afaid to read it. I'm a afraid to open the cover and start looking at the words. I'm afraid to know what happened to her. I'm afraid to cry while reading her love.Today I will buy it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What happen...I'm looking into it, hold on

What happen bro...why did every body miss under stand why.
What wre you writing about. Why write. I don't understand. What The FUCK were you writin about. This is my home brother...welcome


Right now what I'm doing as I always do, playing music. I am switching between SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE Cream and THUNDER KISS White Zombie. Love IT!!!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Should I have a career or deal drugs???

Ok I'm working on a career in music. Why? Because it's what me and many others try to do. We want in!! I have a career and I do not deal drugs to afford music. Having a career in parallel with your music career is the answer. Some people promote drug dealing to afford a music career. These dudes are in prison today...OK? A life in prison is not a to me bro!!

Calogne or perfume

Ok look it. Don't anyone get offended by this, but I need to tell people about it. If you’re going to wear Cologne perfume it needs to be expensive otherwise don't wear it. I have had it with walking behind people who buy cheap cologne or perfume. It sucks and makes me gage to smell cheap fragrance. You will smell much prettier on your own. Trust me you do.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Why Mom

Is it ok that I ask a question mom. Why does this world hate so much. Why mom why... (do you know how to answer a question like this?...)

Friday, May 31, 2024


There is a lot of writers pointing people to Canva as some sort of solve all. It's not. It is difficult and does not work. Mostly it is paid format. If someone would like to prove me wrong please let me know. I have had nothing but trouble with Canva to the point I'm sick of visiting their site. That’s all I will say to my experience with Canva

How to go to the gym

Remember going to the gym is the hardest part to a workout. Once your there a workout is a piece of cake, getting there is the hard part.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Boston Graduation

Living here in Boston, right now is an exciting time. Many students are graduating from there University or College. It is such a wonderful experience to finally graduate. Looking forward to a career of choice. I absolutely love the transition to June. It's in Boston all the excitement of graduating. I love seeing their expectations on their face it makes me so happy to human.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Just Looking Out My Window

Some times I look out my window and It's what I want see. what I want to see. Some times I look out my window and it's NEVER WHAT I WANT TO SEE You know the human mind can be the best painting the world has ever seen

New Pizza

Well...I'm just trying to find a good Italian pizza. IT's not that easy. You know you know I like that crispy crust. Of the pizza. It just needs to be satisfying. When I ‘am done I need to be satisfied like SeX. IDK just tonight I need help finding a good Italian pizza joint. OK give me a call. Love you always your friend.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I never went wrong

Well i never went wrong.... well i never never went a wrong...well how did I go wrong...

Who to talk to...listen in

I dont know who to talk to now ...I don't know who
Well....Your so beautiful as usual, I guess nobody cares. Oh, ya I'm sorry for this.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

i'm convinced she wont like me until i make it to nyc

A problem to society

Well…what’s going on is it’s time to pick up a book and read. When you read you become educated, and when you become educated, you become a problem for society. The world wants nothing more than you to become ordinary. When you become ordinary, you’re not a problem. There is nothing worse in this word than someone who questions society. IT’S TIME TO START READING. Find a book that will make you question. Question what? Question the start of humanity. When did it begin. / Where did it fault. At what point was there no return.Is it your desire? It is your mission to become a problem to society. Answer my question… Love always, Dess

Thursday, May 9, 2024


This reminded me of an old girlfriend I once had. She was alot of fun.

Sunday, May 5, 2024


I would like to welcome the people from Israel to my blog, thanks for visiting!!

Studio 52

Born to Win

photo: Canva
Some people are born to win. Some people need to climb a mountain range before they win. But they do win

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

How much do you need

The amount of geed in this world is beyond my belief. Why would people need so much money why. I will never understand the selfishness that I see