Tuesday, October 26, 2021

It's a guy thing ...ladies

I want to inform ladies what we guys eat as far as food for dinner. I noticed recently that women don't know this secret that's guys have with regard to cooking dinner. We, as guys, are capable of eating the same thing every night for months. We don't care to change it up unless we are being noticed of our cooking habits as far as eating the same thing every night. Luckily, we have food stores or normally called supermarkets, here in the states, that recognized this and have added precooked meals to us single guys. We love it. I went up a second night to pick up another turkey dinner complete with mash potatoes, but they sold out. Man was I pissed, upset and my night was ruined. I had my heart set on another turkey dinner. And at $6 usd you can't beat it. Thats what we do. If we cook at home, we generally cook the same thing night after night. It's easy, we know what we need so there just isn't a lot of preparation or thought put into it. I know one guy who is big on Sheppard pie, why? Well, he eats it for lunch and dinner every day all week. He'll take a break on weekends and eat out. 
There was a gossip columnist who was tracking a actor and given him a hard time for buying a precook chicken every night. They didn't understand that that's what guy do. Well... the big guy secrete is out finally.
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Monday, October 25, 2021

Rochester NH and the need to see clearly

 I live in Rochester NH today. Read the whole story to understand what I'm about to talk about. Currently there are 5 gas stations that are vacant with advertisement for leases attached to all of them. Rochester just approved another gas station to be built and currently under construction. Why would you approve another gas station in this world climate of electric vehicles with 5 stations empty with no interest in renting them. It is because of lack of being able to look forward into the future. The future of cars is with electric vehicles period. The combustion engine car, of interest, will become collector cars the rest will be destroyed. So why would you approve building another gas station with 5 empty? Their argument will be that the 5 empty are still paying taxes. Well, that may be true but the sight of empty buildings in your city might not be in the best interest of the good citizens of Rochester, NH USA. Your lack of understanding on where the future of cars is not forgivable, and you need to adapt to the current trend. Electric vehicles are going to replace combustion engine cars sooner than you think. By 2030 the industry has stated that 50% of sales will be electric vehicles (EV). Oil is dirty and causing havoc with the environment to a point of no return if nothing is done about it. Stop thinking of yourself and today and start thinking about the future. For generations to come.
 The United Kingdom is on it, because of the price of gas. It just makes sense to move forward with electric vehicles. I believe they are looking to sell only EV's by 2025. This is an aggressive number but a clear understanding of the future. All this plus it is "GREEN." Electric vehicles do not destroy the earth like gas vehicles. So become part of society and embrace the trend, don't ignore trends you will be trampled.

Welcome to the 21 first century Rochester NH....electric vehicles... say it again!!!

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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Pit Bulls

This is defiantly a problem. I love cats to start the conversation. Some cats that I love are banned by states because of their connection to the wild. Yet they have never killed anybody. I just got through reading another story of Pit Bulls mauling the owners. This is a constant, Pit Bulls kill. How many more innocent children and adults need to die before legislation occurs on the ownership of these killer dogs. I was at Home Depot recently and a truck as parked next to mine. Inside the truck next to mine was a huge Pit Bull with the windows rolled down. The owners where behind me and noticed that I avoided the dog. It could have simply jumped out the window and mauled me. The owners of the dog walked up and started talking to the dog like it was a child of theirs. OK listen up, dogs have no idea what your talking about, ok. They don't understand English and don't know what your saying. 

I have done service work in HVAC on residential properties where the owners of the house come up and tell me the dog is fine and not to worry. First off I'm worry ass hole your dog is checking out as a possible threat. And if you domino mind please take him or her to another room and lock the door to the room its in. I'm not interested in becoming a statistic in dog mauling insidents. Your dog is great I'm sure but it might not like intruders. As a matter of fact most dogs don't like intruders , so keep your effing dog in another room and outlaw Pit Bulls!!!! How many children need to die before legislation occurs....HOW MANY

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Chicken Shortage

 I just went to the super market and they had 4 family packs. The shortage has begun again!!!! This is the second time. Now people will be stocking up when chicken becomes available making it a shortage out of panic. I suspect

this will last for some time into the summer. Any suggestions on what to eat besides chicken? And no Fish does not fill men. I'm not being sexist it just doesn't fill our guts!!!! We leave the dinner table more hungry than before we ate the fish.

Red meat equals weight gain so no red meat suggestions 

Saturday, May 8, 2021


 I guess

I'll say it because I do not here anyone calling for it. The Covid-19 Pandemic has become a world event. The world needs to drop their boarders and work together to snub out this virus before it mutates beyond control. And it will do this it has shown it's capabilities as it mutates. The virus seems to have knowledge of vaccines and is trying to mutate to spread. It's own Mind? maybe! There are countries that do not know how to handle covid-19. Two come to mind while writing this. India and Cuba. Also parts of South America. In the United States we have Mayors of cities quitting because they can't handly today's world of pandemics mixed with protests. So other world leaders who can't handle the virus need to come to terms with it and ask for help. China has stated they are willing to help as the United States and I'm sure other countries are willing. Russia? Hello. The citizens of these countries need to demand action and ask for help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 Ok, Let's get this straight. I just went online to download a document from a company. To send to another company. I was required for some unexplained reason to have "QuickBooks" soft. What?!!! Most of us don't have QuickBooks so why would you require this type of software for downloads. Are you looking to be in business the long term? You're not going to satisfy customer needs by requiring this format. PDF and DOCX are standards in the computing industry...OK?!!! Understand this, nothing against QuickBooks a lignite software that companies have but most consumers DONT. So why would you require it for customer service?

 SAY AFTER ME>>>>>>PDF or DOCX.     OK? The two formats for success in business. Thanks, stay tuned

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Monday, March 8, 2021

Solar Panel Location

 Ok, So I'm in my final semester of my second degree. I will talk about the two-degree thing at another time right now I want to address an issue about location of solar panels. The last place you want to locate panels is the most talked about location. The roof. This is the worst location for panels. The best is on the ground. Why....because of service cost, installation cost and flat-out safety reason. Safety reasons have to do with future lawsuits because you chose a difficult location, the roof. It is three times the labor to service anything on a roof of a house, period. It is much cheaper on the ground if you have room for it and most people do. About 28 panels are functional for most home applications at the current rate of efficiency. 20 % is the current rate and is increasing yearly. Thats right as of today the panels are only 20% efficient so it takes more to cover the amount of work needed to run a house. This will decline in time. 

You can thank corporate America for solar energy to become viable for home use. If it wasn't for companies like Walmart who installed solar panels at a loss it would not have been viable for home use. Before your attack corporate America please be aware of the advances they have forced on society. They were installing solar panels to help bring the cost down. It made no financial sense to install them at the time, well the last ten years. Any company installing solar panels on their business the past ten years has help propel the solar industry to what it is today, and we are just beginning...!!!!! Even this example is dated in 2016. This writing occurred in 2021 but just an example of corporate America being responsible.

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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Wall Street Bets or @Wallstreetbets

 Well the new age is upon us as high tech companies always wanted and dreamed of. An older generation is struggling with social networking or gatherings of people with common interests on web sites. This is what you wanted you got it. The days of meeting up in the Library after school are long gone. It is now done in larger than life numbers on sites such as Reddit. As the world is becoming one nation. Yes one country, one place. The old boarder walls are coming down. People or human beings want to be free from restrictions within a legal norm.This has been around for some time but seemed to accelerate with murder of George Floyd and the protest that followed that where organized on line. The internet is an overwhelming powerful tool. More that what most people can image. It is just beginning. You might say well the internet has been in mainstream for 20 years now what's your point. High technology is accelerating humanity. Putin from Russia touched apron this recently as he is well aware of this powerful tool and its ability to influence not only ones thoughts but generations of new ideals. He has decided to retire from his communistic views and has a list of reasons why. The recent uprising in Russia by the people on the attempted assination of one of Putins critics. The world is watching Mr. Putin and it is time to disappear from this changing world. He is involved in assassinating critics. Well... back to stock trading. So much to talk about with so little time. The world is trying to regulate social networking. Social networking puts people in place of where the action is. They become part of lets say a movement. News paper puts distance between the reader and the event where SNS have the ability to make people part of the movement. The FBI, yes boys and girls your next. What I mean is these Federal organizations are convicting people on what they post on social networking sites. Social networking sites allow people to voice their thoughts which does not necessarily mean that that is what they want to do. Let me explain. To post something on SNS (social networking sites) is being transparent. Your putting your true views on a subject online. It is most peoples needs to express them selves and SNS allow this. The FBI is currently involved in prociquting people on what they think. What a peorson thinks and what they really mean can and is two different worlds. I will be the first to tell you that I would have been in jail a long time ago if you could tap my mind on what I have thought about doing. Now this does not mean I would or did these un mentionable thoughts but I and you are guilty of them. SNS give people an avenue to release. A therapist dream. Understand this FBI as you destroy people's lives by convicting them on what they are thinking and going online to express themselves. It's a relief for many people to do this, agent. This does not mean they are actually going to act apron this thought...ok? I missed the online stock trading again as I'm trying to release some info in my head. I love you Google for giving me an avenue to release!!! I guess I will talk about SNS with regard to stock trading at another time. I seem to be drifting on topics of descusion with this one...stay tuned

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Scotland old man

 I wasn't calling from Scotland, my family is from Scotland. Ya that was me old man. You were on my mind during that time, interesting ain't it?