Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Retail shop owners...heads up!!

I would like to talk to convenance store owners for a moment. There is a group of stores in the Boston area that I need to talk to. I can’t mention their name but most people from Boston know who I’m talking to. They allow drug addicts to hang in front of their store and panhandle for cash. You have my sympathy but there is help available so seek it out. But what I want to talk about is the number of fingerprints on the glass door to your store. Will you please clean the glass 4 times a month. I will not enter your stores because of the fingerprints on the glass. It is disgusting and potentially disease-ridden fingerprints. Please pay your employees to clean the glass to your store daily. Thanks!! Every store in Boston has drug addicts in front of panhandling for money. I find it harassing and do not enter or go near you convenance store. OK!!! Clean the Glass.com …love you

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